Equity financing is one of the most important instruments of corporate financing. With this financing, a company receives capital it’s owners or new investors. This form of external financing increases the company’s equity capital and the investors become co-owners. The capital growth opens up the possibility of raising more debt capital in the future. Typically, the capital providers are financial investors or investment companies that are interested in minority shareholdings.
Important: The investment can take the form of a direct, open or silent participation. In case of an open participation, the investor participates in the company’s share capital. The investor usually receives the return on investment at the end of the investment phase when the company is sold. Another important option for equity financing is the silent participation, where the investor receives a share of the profits without actively representing the company externally. Often, the co-determination right is either non-existent or limited to a small proportion of particularly important business decisions.
We find the right financing partner for you
Depending on the phase of the company or investment project, various investment instruments are available. EUROCON takes over the search for suitable financial investors or investment companies. For this, majority or minority shareholdings can be sold according to individual financing objectives or mezzanine capital can be raised.
Benefit from our experience: EUROCON is the right contact for the proper implementation of your financing objective. We negotiate conditions and build up a suitable financing framework. The comprehensive project experience in the field of equity financing qualifies EUROCON to find a suitable investor for your company.